Written in 1994, the letter beat notes by Keats, Churchill, Jimi Hendrix and the great Hollywood lovers Richard Burton and Liz Taylor. 这封情书写于1994年,它在评选中打败了济慈、丘吉尔、吉米亨德里克斯以及好莱坞最著名的恋人理查德伯顿和丽兹泰勒,荣登榜首。
So, as she leads me into her sitting room, on the mantelpiece is a picture of Richard Burton, cigarette in one hand and glass of whisky in the other. 她带着我进入客厅时,壁炉上就挂着一幅理查德伯顿(RichardBurton)的照片,一只手拿着烟,另一只手则端着一杯威士忌酒。
It could explain why Richard Burton and Liz Taylor didn't stay together and may spell trouble for Jay-Z and Beyonce. 这可以解释为什么理查德伯顿和伊丽莎白泰勒没能在一起,也许还预示着杰斯和碧昂斯面临的麻烦。
Also on the waterfront is actors 'pub the Dirty Duck, where Sir John Gielgud and Richard Burton, among others, donated signed photos for the wall. 在码头还有一家演员酒吧&脏鸭子酒吧,约翰·吉尔古德先生、理查德·伯顿和其他演员将签名照送给了酒吧,贴在墙上。
Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor 理查德·波顿写给伊丽莎白·泰勒
Richard Burton and John Speke went in search of the source of the nile. 伯顿和约翰?斯皮克出发去寻找尼罗河的源头。
It was Richard Burton's jewels she treasured most, the wild spontaneity with which he gave them mirroring their explosive, unmanageable, on-again-off-again love. 但是她最珍视的却是理查伯顿送给她的珠宝。赠送礼物时,他所表现出的狂野不羁,竟是他们二人跌宕起伏,难以驾驭,阴晴不定的爱情写照。
Do you meanthe Richard burton, the actor? 你指的是理查德?伯顿,那个演员吗?
But she was also well known for a colourful personal life that included two tempestuous marriages to Welsh film star Richard Burton. 不过她的知名度同样也源于她丰富多彩的私生活。她曾两次嫁给威尔士电影明星理查德伯顿,两次都只维持了非常短暂的时间。
What's wrong with marrying an ex? Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton remarried, didn't they? 跟前妻结婚有什么不好?伊丽莎白泰勒和理查德波顿不也是再婚吗?
David: richard Burton was very good-looking. 大卫:理查得。波顿长得还不错。
Following her divorce from Richard Burton, Liz Taylor puts the69-plus karat "Taylor-Burton" diamond up for sale to raise funds for a hospital in Botswana. 在和理查德伯顿离婚后,利兹泰勒出售了一个69多克拉的“泰勒-伯顿”钻石,并把筹得的资金用于在博茨瓦纳修建医院。
Were eiizabeth tayior and Richard burton. 要算伊莉莎伯泰莱和李察波顿。
Stated in F& SF as being retold from the Sir Richard Burton translation in "A Thousand Nights and a Night". 等于是一千零一夜寓言的重述,原发的时候说明了的。
As if to say eiizabeth tayior beiongs to Richard burton. 像向大家说伊莉莎伯是属于波顿的。
The vibrant tones of Richard burton. 理查德伯顿的颤动声音。
We wanted Richard Burton to narrate it, but he was too busy in switzerland. 我们本想请理查德伯顿给它作解说的,但他在瑞士工作太忙了。
In addition to her work in film, the Oscar-winning actress was also well known for her off-screen drama, including being married eight times, twice to actor Richard Burton. 除了她演电影之外,这位荣获奥斯卡奖的女演员在音频外的戏剧性经历也为众人所知,这其中包括她结婚八次,其中两次是和理查德?伯顿结婚。